
배드민턴의 효과 및 장단점 탐구하기

배드민턴은 전 세계적으로 사랑받는 스포츠 중 하나로, 그 인기의 비결은 바로 건강에 미치는 긍정적인 영향과 누구나 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 장점에 있습니다. 하지만 모든 스포츠와 마찬가지로 배드민턴에도 장단점이 존재합니다. 오늘은 배드민턴이 우리 몸과 마음에 미치는 영향과 그 장단점에 대해 깊이 있게 다뤄보고자 합니다.

배드민턴의 효과

첫째, 배드민턴은 뛰어난 유산소 운동입니다. 코트를 누비며 셔틀콕을 치는 동안, 우리 몸은 대량의 칼로리를 소모하며, 심폐 기능이 강화됩니다. 또한, 다리 근육, 팔 근육, 등 근육을 골고루 사용함으로써 전신 운동 효과를 얻을 수 있습니다.

둘째, 정신 건강에도 이로운 영향을 미칩니다. 집중력과 반응 속도를 요구하는 배드민턴은 뇌를 활성화시키며, 스트레스 해소에도 효과적입니다. 경기 중에는 잠시나마 일상의 고민을 잊고 순간에 집중할 수 있는 정신적 휴식을 경험할 수 있습니다.

셋째, 사회적 교류의 장을 제공합니다. 배드민턴은 혼자서는 즐길 수 없는 스포츠입니다. 함께 운동함으로써 새로운 사람들을 만나고, 우정을 쌓으며, 협동심을 키울 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

배드민턴의 장점

  • 접근성: 비교적 저렴한 장비 비용과 적은 공간에서도 즐길 수 있는 접근성 덕분에 많은 사람들이 배드민턴을 쉽게 시작할 수 있습니다.
  • 전 연령 적합: 나이에 관계없이 누구나 즐길 수 있어 가족 단위의 운동으로도 안성맞춤입니다.
  • 유연성과 균형 감각 향상: 배드민턴은 몸의 유연성과 균형 감각을 향상시키는 데 도움을 줍니다.

Reclaiming Health and Vitality with Badminton Exercise Methods

Hello everyone! Today, I want to talk about badminton exercise methods that can bring health and vitality to our lives. Badminton is more than just hitting a shuttlecock; it’s a fantastic way to train your body and mind, relieve stress, and create precious memories with friends. I hope this article helps you discover the charm of badminton and inject some energy into your daily routine.

Let’s start with the basics of badminton exercise. Badminton requires high concentration and quick reflexes, so it’s important to learn the correct stance and stroke techniques for effective play. The basic stance involves standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, preparing you for quick movements and direction changes.

Next, let’s look at stroke techniques. Badminton includes various strokes like serves, clears, drops, and smashes, each used according to the situation to gain a strategic advantage. For example, when your opponent is at the back, you might use a drop shot to lure them forward, or use a clear shot to push them back when they’re near the net.

Physical fitness is just as important as individual skill in badminton. Regular exercise and proper diet can significantly improve your game. Since badminton uses the whole body, additional exercises for muscle strengthening and flexibility, such as yoga or Pilates, are recommended. These can increase muscle flexibility and strengthen the legs and arms effectively.

Badminton also offers numerous mental benefits. It demands concentration and quick judgment, aiding mental training. In a game, a moment’s decision can determine win or loss, making calmness and quick decision-making essential.

Lastly, badminton is a social activity that can be enjoyed with friends. Focusing on fun rather than competition and exercising together can lead to new friendships or strengthen existing ones.


Top Korean Webtoon Site – Newtoki Website

This time, we will look at the representative Newtoki site address among the free webtoon sites in Korea.

It is called New Rabbit in Korean, and it provides a webtoon replay and preview service.

Korean webtoons are much more advanced than in the past In the past, Japanese comics were very popular, but in this generation, Korean K-comics is receiving worldwide attention.

Although it is provided by platforms such as Naver Webtoon and Kakao Webtoon in Korea, users are increasingly complaining because of the high usage fee.

And that’s what we call the New Rabbit Mana Rabbit site.

However, due to the Korean government’s regulatory policy, the site address is constantly changing, so please know the address of the shelter.

Go to newtoki webtoon 뉴토끼 바로가기.

The word webtoon may sound very unfamiliar, but it’s a combination of the word website and cartoon.

It means that what you’re looking at is a website and a cartoon that you can see on this web.

If you visit the New Rabbit site, you can see various webtoons in Korea, and in addition, they provide Japanese cartoons.

As soon as a series of cartoons are released on platforms such as Naver Webtoon and Kakao Webtoon, the New Rabbit site uploads them quickly.

It has the advantage of providing a UI that is easy to watch on your phone and provides episodes every day.

In addition, the New Rabbit site operates a community bulletin board, unlike other free webtoon sites.

So you can enjoy watching cartoons while communicating with the members.

As the webtoon culture of Korea grows, various cartoon genres are expected to be released, so I am looking forward to it.

If you’re blocked or blocked from accessing the New Rabbit site, you can solve the problem through an alternative site.

These are famous TOP10 webtoon sites in Korea, so it will be helpful if you check them out.

Korea is a country where mobile is very advanced, so you can read webtoon sites anywhere.

There’s also Mana Rabbit, a brother site similar to newtoki.

It’s known to be run by the same operator.

Please refer to the previous post to enjoy various free webtoons.

Top10 Websites for Reading Korean Webtoons in Korea (link)

If you can speak Korean, I highly recommend the New Rabbit site where you can watch various webtoon genres.

The address changes continuously, so it’s easy to find it next time if you like the place I explained earlier.


A free site to read webtoons online in 2022

Nowadays webtoon has become the trendiest topic on the internet, In recent years it is growing in popularity so fast! But unfortunately, still many people are blind to knowledge about webtoon and of course, we are always here to clear any of your doubts.

Firstly “What is webtoon?” In easy wording, we could say that it’s a digital version of comics, basically, through webtoon, you’ll be able to read comics anywhere through phones, laptops, etc.

Its origin is South Korea but; has fans from all over the world. The father of Webtoon is junkoo Kim, and was founded in 2004 November.

Toomics – Read Comics Online 

Toomics is not that popular, and that’s why we are writing an article on it so that you can get known about this amazing website. Here you can read the unlimited type of comics, browse through hundreds of genres and explore many new comics. 

Yes it has a free version also but unfortunately, the free version has some counted chapters and demo episodes; However, the VIP version allows you to have every single type of comic with thousands of genres.

If you want to install Toomics, Then you’ll need an IOS or Android device. The app is completely free you can download it easily from the app store or Google Play. Moreover, the APK version is 22MP in size and needs Android 4.1or may be higher. 

One special thing is that it has a highlighting feature when you’re reading the comic and want to put a mark. It has many other amazing features, it is full of magic.

Toomics is a perfect application for hardcore readers as it allows you to have any kind of genre, This has many cool features such as sharing your own opinion and thoughts about the comic. “FAMILY MODE “is my personal favorite, through this you can read multiple comics at one time.

Even though you haven’t read any Web-series or you’re not a comic fan no worries at all. You can download this app free, and ultimately be able to check the trailers. 

After that, choose your favorite series and only pay for the ones you really going to read. The FAMILY MODE choice could help to find comics for different aged people, such as kids, adults, teens, etc.

Read Newtoki for Free 

Newtoki VIP has upgraded so much in recent years that’s why now we can read these online. From now we can read newtoki easily no matter where you are or what you’re reading. 

Whenever you’re in the mood to read some comics, just pull out your device and start reading! Neither like the old time, go and get comic, have a particular place, etc. Everything is so easy in newtoki

Reasons behind the Popularity of 무료웹툰.com 

As digital free webtoon manhwa has been introduced newly and became very popular throughout the world. It has reached the top 18 most successful comic reader apps; these are some of the most sense-making reasons

1. Each and Every series is written in a vertical way so that you can scroll through it comfortably.

2. The newtoki has ultra-upgraded quality; it has a high pixel rate.

3. There is also a huge variety of different types of genres.

4. It allows you to read it in many different languages such as Korean, English, Spanish, etc., and that’s why it has its fans from all over the world. 

Some of the recent popular webtoons on Newtoki can be;

1. Ultimate

2. Warble

3. Pounding

4. Delivery Knight

5. Boss In School

6. Gang Noir

7. Pursuivant

8. His Women’s University

9. Such a Cute Spy

10. Close as Neighbors

11. Painkiller

12. Super Rich

13. Supernova

Each webtoon has a different story which makes it special for the reader. The different age group has different genres now. It is all up to you which type of genre you choose and how it inspires you.

My Stepmom manatoki Manhwa 

Now let’s explore the most wanted and popular series “my stepmom manatoki”. It is about the story of a boy and his stepmother, manatoki hacked through protecting her secret convert into realism fantasy. After some days the stepmom became suspicious of the boy, she was only 10 years older than her, and there were many secrets that the boy was curious about.

Manatoki has a high amount of the series of step-parents; there are a total of 52 chapters, all of which are super realistic. It is so good that I want you to watch it right now!

Is Free? 

Well, of course, we can’t say that it’s completely free but; yes there are a few trial chapters that you and read free of cost, moreover, if you want to watch the full series you’ll be needing to pay for the VIP subscription. Once you pay then you’ll be having access to all types of series and genres.

Is legit or a scam? 

There is a variety of sites that looks legit but works as a scam they ask for the subscription but later they have nothing to show. Oppositely, in this case, blacktoon we found each and everything legit; firstly it offers free chapters later it asks for a subscription.

However, the Blacktoon subscription is also easy to cancel means it’s a user-friendly website that has an amazing and convenient app for mobile users also. Similar to the other webtoon systems Blacktoon works wonderfully and can give you an amazing experience.

Final verdict 

When it comes to then I can describe it up to 10,000 words easily but here I have tried to wind up within 1k words hope you’ll like the info I explained. Hope you’ll like the way it is described here. 

If you have any ideas to share feel everything free to write in the comment section and for further info please check the entire site warmly.

Keep reading webtoons !

Check out the

무료웹툰 사이트 중에서도 대표적으로 뉴토끼 , 늑대닷컴 , 카피툰 , 마나토끼 , 블랙툰 등이 있는데요

아무래도 공짜로 웹툰 다시보기 및 미리보기 시청이 가능한곳들이지만 주소 변경 시 헤메는 경우가 많기 때문에 주소를 미리 알아두시면 좋습니다

각각의 무료 웹툰 특징들을 알아보면 먼저 뉴토끼 사이트 같은 경우 다양한 일본 만화 또는 일반웹툰 컨텐츠를 제공 하고 있습니다

물론 요즘에는 북토끼 라는 곳도 만들어 무료 웹소설도 제공 한다고 하니 이점도 참고하시길 바랍니다

다음으로 늑대닷컴 같은 경우 명칭 그대로 약간 성인 웹툰 등이 잘 발달 되어 있고 연재 작이나 완결웹툰 들도 알차게 구성되어 있습니다

그리고 블랙툰의 인기도 빼놓을 없었는데요 배경이 온통 검은색이기 때문에 야간에 무료웹툰을 마음껏 즐기는 데 큰 지장은 없습니다

다만 주소 막힘 현상이 빈번하다보니 대피소 또는 대체 사이트 등을 알아두셔야 하는 불편함은 있습니다

물론 https 우회 방법을 사용하신다면 보다 쉽고 빠르게 이용할 수 있는만큼 위 내용들을 참고하셔서 보시면 도움이 되실겁니다


Best Badminton Racket Stringing Machine

Every badminton player needs the right consistency of a racket string regardless of the pattern and tension desired. Read on below to know more about the badminton stringing machines you should look into to achieve the best tension.

Level Of Stringing Machines

There are two different levels of a stringing machine: beginner level and professional level. Both these levels are designed according to the requirement of people. Of course, if you are a beginner, then you must get a beginner-level machine, whereas a professional should get a more advanced machine.

Beginner Machines

These machines are manual drop weight machines and are mostly designed for beginners since they are low maintenance and come with simplicity of use. However, you can also opt for an automatic electronic machine if the manual restringing process is difficult for you. The electronic machine automatically sets the tension of the string.

Pro Machines

Professionals are advised to opt for a manual stringing machine since it will allow them to set the tension and carry the restringing process on their own. If you want to go for good accuracy, then these manual machines are ideal for you; however, if you want the same outcome every time, then you can go for an electronic machine.

When deciding whether to opt for a professional machine or a beginner one, it all comes down to your preference; one is not better than the other.

Best Value Stringing Machines- Beginner Machines

If you are looking for easy machines to use that don’t require a lot of setting up, then the beginner machines mentioned below will be ideal to use. Read on below to find out which of the two beginner stringing machines are the best options.

Gamma X-Stringer

The best stringing machine in the market comes from the brand Gamma, which is one of the most efficient brands present today. Gamma stringing machines are ideal for coaches, athletes, and business owners that require restringing on their rackets on a regular basis. This machine allows you to get the string tension level you need and also makes it easy for you to play with different styles.

Furthermore, Gamma X-stringer comes with a turntable made from a nickel chrome-plated steel bar, which provides users with a rotation of 360 degrees for easier use. This stringing machine has a drop weight tensioning mechanism, and it accommodates up to 90 lbs, which is enough for your badminton game.

This Gamma stringing machine makes it easy to restring your racket at the perfect precision. It comes with “V” mounts construction along with a C-mounting system and a six-point quick-mount system. Both of these work together in order to keep your racket in place when you work.

Furthermore, this machine is manufactured using premium-quality construction, while the base is made with aluminum. There is an anodized finish on the base as well, making it more durable.

Also, this machine comes with a drawer and a tool tray as well as a rotating ratchet ripper with a gripping surface. This is made more gripping via a diamond dust coating. In order to provide you with clamping pressure, these string clamps have a unique self-locking adjustable knot.

The best part about this machine is that it comes backed up with a five-year warranty and a one-year warranty on electronic and string gripping parts.

Gamma Progression 200

This is another excellent machine by Gamma and provides you with excellent features. This specific model makes it easy for you to set the tension settings according to your requirements. It has the ability to handle a high volume of racquet stringing workload easily and ensures a sturdy level of performance.

Furthermore, this machine has six points of contact. It has an excellent rotational string gripper that provides you with a good firm grip due to the diamond-coated surfaces. Gamma Progressional allows you to complete the restringing process conveniently and easily, which makes it an excellent badminton stringing machine.

Moreover, this gamma machine has a 360-degree turntable and drop weight tensioning up to ninety pounds. It also comes with a locking mechanism that ensures you can work from any angle you want without sacrificing your comfort. This machine further includes many tools to allow you to enjoy this job in the simplest way possible. The tools include straight awl, pathfinder awl, diagonal cut pliers, straight pliers, bent nose pliers, and a hex set wrench.

If you need to string the badminton racket without using your hands, then you can invest in a foot pedal separately. It is compatible with 220 and 110 volts, and the digital control panel provides you with the room to set the tension according to your preference. The nine memory settings make things further convenient, and you do not have to remember the setting since this machine will do it for you.

The best part about this is that you can change the pre-stretch, knot function, pulling speed, and also carry out internal diagnostic checks. All of these features make it perfect for beginner use.

Professional Stringing Machines

If you are looking for a professional stringing machine and like to have more control, then the machines below will be perfect for your use. Read on below to find out which professional machine will be a good investment for you.

Gamma X-ST Racquet Stringing Machine

This is another excellent machine by the same brand, Gamma. This machine provides you with manual string tension winders and provides you a wide range of nine to ninety lbs. it also comes with a patented rotational string guide.

It also has a stringing machine that has a string gripper coated with diamond dust. Along with that grip, it also has a six-point quick-mounting system that sports V mounts and makes the machine more efficient. Furthermore, this stringing machine makes use of fixed dual-action swivel base clamps. This means that the clamps holding the string work independently from its base.

The advantage of the dual-action clamp is that it doesn’t require maintenance, whereas a single-action clamp will need maintenance regularly since it gives a problem with brakes. You also get storage options with this machine with a tool tray as a loaded drawer.

With this machine, you can enjoy the string process without any worry and achieve the tension you need in your badminton racket. Universal string clamps present on this machine provide you with excellent pressure for both tennis and badminton. It also has teeth spacing that’s fit for all kinds of rackets, which makes it a great buy.

Gamma Professional Tennis Racquet Stringing Machine

This is an amazing badminton racket stringing machine made by Gamma and comes with a digital control panel. The panel allows you to customize stringing functions as much as you want easily. Teeth spacing on this machine is optimized for all kinds of rackets, and the diamond-coated string clamps provide you with good clamping pressure.

Gamma professional stringing machine is a great dual-use machine that is electronically controlled and has a constant pull tension system that gives you precise tension control from five to forty kg. The tensioner of this machine is a modular part, and if it requires any servicing, you can easily remove it for any external maintenance.

This machine is perfect for beginners and professionals both due to the excellent features it sports. Furthermore, it comes with a foot pedal switch that ensures a hands-free operation. This box comes with a starting clamp tool, hex wrench set, bent pliers, straight pliers, pathfinder awl, straight awl, and cleaning stone. Since Gamma is a famous brand, it won’t disappoint you!

Stringing Machine Tensioner Types

A well-strung racket helps in playing the game with accuracy, which is where the best badminton racket stringing machine comes in handy. This machine allows you to play your game as passionately as you want with the best-strung racket. However, if you do not know much about these machines and want to find out, then keep on reading!

There are three types of badminton stringing mechanisms present in the market; these include drop weight, cranks, and electronic machines. Each of these three machines has its own level of accuracy, efficiency, and working functionality.

Electronic Machines

These machines are very efficient, exceptionally accurate, and quick to use. They save your time and are fully calibrated, making them accurate to 0.5lb. Electronic machines also make use of constant pull technology and have a digital panel from which you can control the tension. This is the best option to buy, especially if you have plenty of rackets present at home.

Drop Weights

If you are on a tight budget, then this machine is what you should get. These machines are maintenance-free and have excellent durability. You might find them slower in operation, but if you are stringing a few rackets per day, then one of these is what you need. Drop weights stringing machines are also not as accurate as electronic machines. However, if you spend ten minutes per racquet to make sure that the horizontal bar is as horizontal as it can be, then you can get the tension result similar to an electronic machine.

Drop weight machines are the cheapest since they are time-consuming. If you want to set the tension on your own on your racquet, then this machine can be good for you.


Cranks are the simplest machines present and are also the fastest way to get tension strings. They provide excellent tension accuracy and are more accurate than drop weight stringing machines. They are efficient and fast and are also reasonably priced, making these an excellent option to get your hands on. For professional usage, it is a good idea to invest in a crank string machine or electronic stringing machine. Both these machines are easy to use and work efficiently.


Investing in the best stringing machine is a good idea for professionals since it allows you to get the tension and sturdiness you require. However, it is a good idea to do your own research before finding the best machine. Make use of the buyer’s guide above along with the reviews to find the best machine that’s the most ideal for your use.


Advantages of cyprusbadminton

My favorite sport is badminton. cyprusbadminton badminton bought nets so I can exercise to my heart’s content. good luck in the future


Best Portable Badminton Nets

Badminton is a fun game for many people. However, you cannot play this game without a badminton net. Finding the best portable badminton net is an essential task to playing the game. Whether you want a portable net for professional practice or simply due to profession, having the right net is a good idea.

How to Choose a Badminton Net?

If you have good shoes, a badminton racket, and a shuttlecock but do not have a useful badminton net, then your game will not be awarded well or end well. Despite being just a net, there are some features that must be present in the net to make it useful and ideal for the game. These include:


A badminton net is a very important part of the game, and it is essential for the net to be durable. The overall build quality is necessary to look out for. The net must have premium construction and should be made of good quality material so that it is tear-resistant. You should also make sure that it is sturdy and has maximum stability so that you can enjoy the game without any worry. When it comes to badminton nets, some durable materials to go for include nylon cord and vinyl.

Weather Resistance

If you are planning on using the badminton net in an outdoor space such as your backyard, then it is important that the net you pick is water-resistant. It should also be rust-resistant; these features will allow you to use the same net for years to come. In order to get such features, you must opt for nylon nets since they are resistant to most weather conditions and can last for a long time without wearing out.

Knotted or Knotless

When it comes to choosing between a knotted or a knotless net for badminton, you should go for a knotted net. These nets are more durable than knotless ones since they are difficult to break due to the knots. Knotted nets last longer and are made from good material as well.

UV Protected

If you are going for a portable net or an outdoor net, then you must go for a new one that is UV-protected. These nets have a special treatment applied on them with a protective coating on the net, which helps in extending their lifespan. A net with a UV coating is like your sunscreen; it makes the net safer and more protected.


The greatest feature to look out for when shopping for the best badminton net is its price point. Badminton nets are priced differently depending on factors such as brand, quality, durability, and more. There are nets that can cost you a few dollars, whereas some can go up to a couple of hundred bucks.

You must opt for a net that is not only affordable but is made with good-quality materials too. Avoid investing in nets that are cheap since they won’t provide you with reliable performance. They should not be overly expensive either.


Also keep an eye out for the size of the net you are buying. The common length of the net ranges between 10 and 17 feet, but you can go for a shorter length if you’re going to play on a shorter court.

Meanwhile, the ideal height lies between 2.5 and 5 feet. However, you must find a height that will suit your family members when playing. Most nets also have adjustable heights, so you can buy those if people of different heights will be sharing a net.


Of course, portability is essential for the best portable badminton nets. The right kind of net can be carried anywhere and can be used on family vacations, whether it is the beach or the park. A portable net can be carried in the bag it comes with and can be carried with you easily.

Best 3 Portable Badminton Nets

Finding the best portable badminton nets can be difficult to do so on your own. In order to help you out, we have compiled the three best portable badminton nets and reviewed them below. Read on more to find out!

1. ZHENAO Portable Badminton Nets

This is an amazing net available on the market because of the features it owns. It is a very durable net and is made from superior quality nylon. This helps in reducing tearing, and the painted steel ensures durability for a lifetime. It also has a very sturdy construction that allows it to be stable.

It comes with foam floor support, meticulous connection treatment, double protection, ABS four-way connection, and easy installation. You can set this net up in three to five minutes on your own without the use of tools or stakes. Putting this net is so easy that even a kid can install it.

This net is also portable, and you can bring it to all your adventures. The lightweight nature it sports makes it easy to carry around. Furthermore, all the parts are connected via a bungee cord, and you will not lose it.

This ZHENAO net is perfect for any occasion and is highly portable.

2. Patiassy Portable Pickleball Volleyball Badminton Combo Set

This Patiassy set comes with everything you need to go on a beach day or a fun family vacation. It comes with a premium-quality net, two rackets, a volleyball, three shuttlecocks, two pickle paddles, and two pickle balls for you to enjoy.

It also has poles that have an adjustable height from 35 inches to 61 inches, allowing you to use them for different purposes. The pole also has clear marks at 120 cm, 155 cm, and 107 cm so that you can find the height you need easily. Furthermore, the setup of this net is quick and easy; the foam clamp pads come connected with a thick bungee cord and make it easy to assemble it.

It also has a freestanding design, which means you can use this in the driveway, backyard, park, and any other flat area. This product also comes with a sturdy construction with a nylon net, which is durable and strong. This net is of premium quality and is highly visible. It comes with side tapes and a yellow top that ensures even tension throughout the entire game.

The mixture of plastic hooks and optional grommets on the top makes sure that the net remains in place. Moreover, the poles in this set are high quality and have a powder coating against corrosion and rust. This makes them ideal for outdoor and indoor usage. In conclusion, this product is a complete set designed for family fun. You can take this set wherever you want in the Oxford carrying bag it comes with.

3. Zsig Family Large Multisports Net

If you have plenty of space present in your house and are looking to enjoy badminton along with other sports, then this net is what you need. It is easy to use and comes with a very simple lock and twist mechanism. This allows you to easily lower or raise the height of the net.

With the full height of the net, you can enjoy games such as badminton and even volleyball. If you lower the net, you can enjoy a mini-tennis session with your friends and family. This net is a great choice for the sports hall and is a good option for family vacations and gardens as well.

It has a weight of seven kg, making it very easy to carry around. Furthermore, the frame of the net is made from solid silver steel and has a thick waterproof gauge. Plus, the unique patent shoulder joints allow you to get the stability you desire.

This net is made with soft tangle-free netting and makes use of UV protected material for longevity. The best part about it is that it provides good visibility since it has a neon yellow stripe on top that lets you know where it starts from. If you want to invest in some professional-style badminton net, then this is the net you should get.


If you are planning on going for a family trip or simply want to set up a sports arena in the backyard, then having a badminton net is very important. Badminton is an excellent sport that is easy to play, exceptionally fun and everyone loves it. However, you cannot enjoy this game to its fullest without a badminton net.

Getting the right net is a decision you should make smartly, so make use of the buyer’s guide mentioned above along with the reviews in order to find the net most worthy of your money. Also, do your own research to make sure that you put your money in the right place.